Oldenburger Fensterblicke

Participation campaign of Stadtmuseum Oldenburg

As part of the "Oldenburger Fensterblicke" project, the Stadtmuseum is looking for video views from Oldenburg windows for the new permanent exhibition. Do you have an exciting, typical or atypical view of Oldenburg? Read the instructions below and become part of the new Stadtmuseum.

Why window views?


For most people, living means having a space they can furnish and design according to their taste. This contributes largely to the living experience. However, there is always an outside to the inside: what we see through the windows and what we look at every day. This can be a road with more or less traffic, a wooded area, a car park or the neighbouring building. This affects whether we draw the curtains more often, sleep with the windows open at night or simply let the dog into the garden. While we can usually contribute to the inside ourselves, the outside depends on our place of residence and the seasons.  It therefore makes a difference where we live, because it influences how we live.


Take part!


As part of the Stadtteilprojekt Osternburg (Osternburg district project), the Stadtmuseum Oldenburg (City Museum Oldenburg) has started to collect videos of Oldenburg window views in 2023. The aim is to make the diversity of today's living situations tangible for exhibition visitors within the ever-growing collection as part of the city museum's new permanent exhibition.

The Oldenburg window views are based on the idea of the online portal Window Swap. Over 100,000 views from windows all over the world are available here.

The city museum is still looking for many more window views for the exhibition. Would you like to take part and share your view by filming it?


What do you need?


A smartphone or digital camera

A tripod. If you don't have one, you can find instructions for an improvised tripod here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=ArpajnAoK6Q&t=15

The completed declaration of consent for the publication of a video (permanent presentation as part of an exhibition)

If you need help with the technical implementation, you can contact us at Stadtmuseum(at)stadt-oldenburg.de.

How do we imagine the window view?


A video excerpt from your window view facing outside in Oldenburg.

You decide which view of your living environment you want to film.

Please record the video in landscape format.

Depending on the size of the window and the distance, set the camera or smartphone to the widest possible angle so that the entire window section can be seen.

You decide how much of your living space (window frames, curtains, flowers on the windowsill, etc.) can be seen in the video, i.e. how large the window section is.

Please make sure the resolution is as high as possible.

The video should be at least 30 seconds and no longer than one minute.

We are happy to see movement in the image (cars, trees, plants, etc.) so that the video is different from a still image. However, please make sure that no recognisable people are filmed.

The video does not require sound, as we use the recordings without sound. If you record with sound, you do not need to make sure that it is particularly good.


In the following video you can see what your window view could look like:


How can you send us your video?


For example, you can use WeTransfer, SwissTransfer or Send Anywhere to send us the video and the declaration of consent to Stadtmuseum(at)stadt-oldenburg.de.

If your video is too large, you can convert/downsize it at https://handbrake.fr/.


By providing the video, you agree to the declaration of consent.



We look forward to your window views!